Angela Dimitrakaki profile picture

Job title:

Professor of Contemporary Art History and Theory


Programme Director, MSc Modern and Contemporary Art


Room 0.52, Higgitt Gallery, Hunter Building


Angela Dimitrakaki is a writer and Professor of Contemporary Art History and Theory at the University of Edinburgh. She is Programme Director of the MSc in Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating and Criticism and teaches also undergraduate courses on art and its contexts since the 1960s, including on aesthetics, globalisation, art institutions, feminism and sexual politics. Since her appointment at Edinburgh she has been supervising an average of five doctoral students per year. She works closely with her doctoral students, often collaborating in projects, to enhance art history’s social relevance. Since 2021 she represents the University of Edinburgh as Director of Studies of the doctoral research project ‘Gender and the sexual division of labour in the curating and production of socially engaged art’ in the context of the Innovative Training Network FEINART, supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of Horizon 2020 and led by the University of Wolverhampton.

Angela's academic research focuses on feminist and Marxist methodologies in art history; art and curating in relation to labour, production and social reproduction; globalisation and biopolitics; feminist politics and histories; art and culture in the diverse social contexts of post-1989 Europe; lens-based media, the video essay and post-documentary aesthetics; contemporary democracy and antifascism. She currently works on a single authored book titled Feminism, Art, Capitalism. She has authored about 90 papers on contemporary art, including chapters for edited volumes and peer-reviewed articles. Her academic books include Politics in a Glass Case: Feminism, Exhibition Cultures and Curatorial Transgressions (co-edited with Lara Perry, 2013), ECONOMY: Art, Production and the Subject in the 21st Century (co-edited with Kirsten Lloyd, 2015), Gender, ArtWork and the Global Imperative (2013) and Art and Globalisation: From the Postmodern Sign to the Biopolitical Arena (in Greek, 2013). In 2017, she co-edited the special issue of Third Text on Social Reproduction and Art with Kirsten Lloyd, and, in 2019, the special issue Anti-fascism/Art/Theory with Harry Weeks for the same journal. In 2016, she was guest editor, with S. Farris, G. LeBaron and S. Ferguson, of the special issue on Social Reproduction for Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory.

Angela serves on the editorial board of Third Text, the Advisory Board of the cross-disciplinary journal Feministiqa; as a Corresponding Editor for Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory; and sits on the Advisory Board of the cross-disciplinary project Decolonise Hellas. She regularly reviews book proposals and manuscripts on her subjects of expertise for academic presses, and lectures widely in Europe. From 2010 to 2012 she was a member of the Leverhulme International Research Network, headed by Dr Lara Perry (Brighton), Transnational Perspectives on Women’s Art, Feminism and Curating, and she currently serves on the Feminist Curators Steering Committee. Angela has collaborated with many art institutions for projects, including Documenta 14, Het Nieuwe Instituut, BAK, and Stegi/Onassis Foundation Athens, among many others. She was interviewed by Radio Web MACBA in 2015.

Angela is also an essayist and award-winning novelist writing (mostly) in her native Greek. Her fiction works, including seven novels, one collection of short stories, and numerous contributions to the press and edited anthologies, have been shortlisted for ten literary awards to date. In 2017, she was honoured with the Athens Academy Award for Short Fiction and O Anagnostis journal Short Fiction Award, while her latest novel, TINA: The Story of an Alignment (2019), is on the Novels Shortlist 2021 for the Greek State Prizes for Literature. Angela is represented by Ersilia Literary Agency in Athens.


​Angela's research focuses on contemporary art history and theory with an emphasis on feminism and Marxism, globalisation and its impact on art institutions, labour, and theory, social reproduction, curatorial interventions, participatory and lens based art, the relationship of art and politics (including questions on democracy and the common) since the 1960s.

Her books include Economy: Art, Production, and the Subject in the 21st Century (co-edited with K. Lloyd, 2015), Gender, ArtWork and the Global Imperative: A Materialist Feminist Critique (2013), Art and Globalisation: From the Postmodern Sign to the Biopolitical Arena (in Greek, 2013), Politics in a Glass Case: Feminism, Exhibition Cultures and Curatorial Transgressions (co-edited with L. Perry, 2013). In 2013 she co-curated the major group exhibition ECONOMY is Edinburgh and Glasgow. She sits on the editorial board of Third Text for which she co-edited the Sept 2017 special issue on social reproduction and art, and is corresponding editor of Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, for which she co-edited the special issue on social reproduction in 2016.

Angela has presented her work in numerous conferences in Europe and the USA and has authored over 50 chapters, articles, and essays on various aspects of contemporary art and its social and intellectual contexts. In 2015, she was included in the oral archive of contemporary thinkers and artists Radio Web MACBA. In 2017, she collaborated with Antonia Majaca on an event series on Sanja Ivekovic's public project Monument to Revolution in the context of Documenta 14. Angela is also an essayist and award-winning fiction writer, publishing in her native Greek and represented by Ersilia Agency (  Her latest essay, on contemporary fascism, appeared in The Berlin Quarterly (Autumn 2016). 

Current PhD students

Tobey Pan

Invisible Labour: Women’s Experimental Art in East-Central Europe, 1970-1989

PhD Supervision Topics

  • Art and politics in the 20th and the 21st centuries
  • Feminist and/or Marxist art histories
  • Globalisation, labour, institutions
  • Contemporary art history and theory (including historiography)
  • Contemporary lens-based and participatory art
  • Democracy, post-democracy, the common

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