Who is this course for?
This course is aimed primarily at candidates for the ARB/RIBA Part 3 Examination in Professional Practice and Management (the ‘Part 3’), but will also be useful to recently qualified architects, particularly those coming to the UK from another country, who may wish to refresh or add to their knowledge of a wide range of topics pertinent to architectural management.
Course dates: 5 - 7 June 2024
Course price: £350
2024 Course Structure
Most people attending the course will have completed a UK part 1 & Part 2 and will have had around two years of professional experience. Most will aim to sit the Part 3 with APEAS, the Scottish Examination Authority.
The course cannot cover the full extent of knowledge required for the Part 3, but is designed to update your knowledge and understanding across the five areas of the ARB/RIBA Part 3 criteria namely:
- Professionalism
- Clients, users and delivery of services
- Legal framework and processes
- Practice and management
- Building procurement
The 2024 course will run from Wednesday 5th June to Friday 7th June. The course runs for three full days and is intensive, running from 9am to 5.30pm each day. The final day normally ends with a drinks reception.
Note that the concentrated delivery of the course and the need for candidates to respond speedily to written and discursive scenarios, deliberately echoes the pace and intensity of the Part 3 written examination.
The structure starts with broad issues and moves into application. Each day is divided into thematic ‘Sessions’ in a logical sequence, roughly following the progress of a typical project as follows:
Day 1
Session 1. : Clients
Session 2 : Practices
Session 3 : Collaboration
Day 2
Session 4 : Jobs
Session 5 : Legislative framework
Session 6 : Contracts
Day 3
Session 7 : Procurement
Session 8 : Examination
The fee for the course is £350 payable in advance. Full payment must be made before confirmation of a place can be given. To register and pay for the course please follow the link to the University of Edinburgh epay site:
If you have any questions please contact Bonnie Thomson at esala.admin@ed.ac.uk