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Professional Experience Support: UK Part 3 (ARB/RIBA)


Will vary according to experience
Online or Part-Time


What is the Part 3?

The ARB/RIBA Part 3 (or to give its full title ‘The Part 3 Examination in Professional Practice and Management’) is the final stage in qualifying as a registered Architect in the UK. It is an examination into your competence to practise architecture that covers professionalism, the client, law, practice & management and building procurement.

Passing the Part 3 allows you to register as an Architect with the Architect’s Registration Board (ARB), to use the protected title of Architect and to apply to become a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS).

An Introduction to the Scottish System

In Scotland the Part 3 Examination is administered and conducted by APEAS Ltd (the Architects’ Professional Examinations Authority Scotland Limited). APEAS is prescribed by the ARB and validated by the RIBA to deliver the Part 3 Examination in Scotland.

The examination comprises three written components followed by an oral; logged experience, an analysis of an aspect of architectural practice (the Experience Based Analysis) and a written examination. Candidates must pass all three written components.

In order to sit the examination candidates must sign up for support with a Professional Studies Advisor (PSA), ideally as soon as they secure a position in an architectural practice. Once employed, candidates are expected to log all their professional experience online using the RIBA’s Personal Experience Development Record (PEDR) website for comment and approval by their PSA. This signed off formal record of experience is critical to passing the Part 3 and it is important that candidates begin recording their experience immediately they start work in their office.

Candidates should budget for paying fees to 1) their University for support, 2) the RIBA for access to the PEDR log sheet website and 3) APEAS to sit the examination.

Links to APEAS and the RIBA PEDR website can be found at the foot of this page along with a Summary of Fees payable by Part 3 Candidates.

Sitting the Part 3 with ESALA

ESALA offer a full range of support through their Professional Studies Advisor for those who wish to sit the Part 3 examination in Scotland:

  • Explaining the key parts of the process and keeping candidates informed each step of the way.
  • Commenting on and signing off RIBA PEDR log sheets, advising candidates on the steps they should take to ensure that their recorded experience matches the RIBA/ARB criteria that the examiners are expecting.
  • Giving written feedback on candidates’ synopses for the Experience Based Analysis, one of the written submissions for the examination.
  • Mentoring candidates throughout the process including the lead-up to the written and oral examinations, sharing knowledge of the candidate experience from previous years.
  • Keep candidates informed about relevant short courses.

This Post Part 2 support is normally provided for one year from the date of registration and can be renewed on an annual or pro rata basis.

Ordinarily candidates for the Examination in Professional Practice and Management wishing to sign up for support from ESALA would have graduated in architecture at degree level (Part 1) and post-graduate level (Part 2) in an accredited school of architecture recognised by the RIBA. Should your qualification be from a school outside the UK it will be necessary for you to gain written confirmation from the ARB that your qualifications meet this requirement. This may include sitting the ARB Prescribed Examination. If your situation is less straightforward you can discuss your options with our PSA.

In addition to ESALA’s regular Post Part 2 Support candidates are encouraged to attend two additional short courses; the Update in Architectural Management course and the Contract Administration Simulation Exercise. The former covers multiple aspects of Architectural Practice in a series of presentations and related tasks while the latter is a role-playing exercise where candidates take the role of Contract Administrator on a building contract. Further details including course fee details are on the links at the foot of the page.

To find out more about the examination process and the support we offer, you should attend our introductory evening for potential candidates in late February, early March. For more information contact

Registering with ESALA for Post Part 2 Support

We are pleased to accept suitably qualified people for our Post Part 2 Support towards the Examination in Professional Practice and Management (ARB/RIBA Part 3).

You may register for log book support even if you subsequently register with a different UK school for a Part 3 course.

Once your registration fee and forms have been received, your details will be added to our database and you will be entitled to have four RIBA Professional Experience and Development Records (PEDRs) signed. Guidance on how to complete and submit PEDRs is included in the links below. Registration with the University for Part 2 support entitles you to visitor status including access to the University’s libraries, a swipe card for the School and access to the online course for Updates in Architectural Management. Please note you are not a fully matriculated University of Edinburgh student.

Please note that the Part 3 Examination in Scotland is administered and conducted by APEAS Ltd (the Architects’ Professional Examinations Authority Scotland Limited) and further information can be found on the APEAS website under Related Links.

Application documentation and payment link

Useful links