Our programme encourages its students to take a risk, to test the boundaries of the discipline and push their design ideas beyond personally predetermined limits. The strong international student input at postgraduate level at Edinburgh College of Art, ensures these highly talented individuals bring much experience and encourage wide-ranging thinking to the studio experience. Students will develop an enhanced research and design proposal, culminating in a personal project which will reframe their chosen pathway into design.
What you will study
Students on the programme are actively encouraged to challenge their existing research and design knowledge and develop new skills and networks within and out-with their subject discipline. Postgraduate students should challenge the status quo, experiment and explore as part of their daily activity. Here you are expected to push your creative boundaries, experiment, innovate and take risks with your developing practice.
Independent study is paramount yet underpinned by a number of supporting projects, workshops and events. We expect collaboration within the School of Design, with the creative industries and where appropriate with external clients in order that students realise personal and project possibilities to the full. Being part of the University of Edinburgh allows access to collaborations with ground-breaking research projects.
Communication is an essential Graphic Design tool and this is explored at every level through one to one tutoring and seminar presentations and collaboratively with peers within our award-winning design agency project.
Research environment
Initially students will focus on the personal research and development of their study proposal while also engaging with a series of dynamic graphic design challenges developing skills in typography, publication design and self-promotion. With support from our dynamic team of experienced tutors (all industry practitioners or researchers) students are encouraged to expand on any preconceived ideas and let their research findings dictate future development. We expect our postgraduate students to engage in sophisticated design dialogue with tutors as a means of pushing their ideas to reach their full potential. There is a rich hotbed of debate and prototyping before any designs are taken forward into production.
Proposed new programme
We would like to hear your views on a potential new postgraduate opportunity in Design for Body and Mind
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