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Job title:

Lecturer, Sculpture, School of Art


Kevin Dagg is a visual artist who has explored a wide range of techniques and approaches in his creative output. This diverse range includes temporary installations, performance, drawing and sculpture. Many of his projects are realised on international residencies and symposia and are often in response to a specific space or environment.

Kevin studied at Gray's School of Art in Aberdeen and after graduating he relocated to Edinburgh where he worked for two years at the Demarco European Art Foundation. He later moved his studio to the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop and began participating in various international residencies and exhibitions. In 1999 he joined the Edinburgh College of Art as a sculpture tutor and in 2001 he was selected for a major award from the New York based Pollock–Krasner Foundation.

In 2004 Kevin’s work became more politicised and he began developing studio based work in response to the wider political framework and the war in Iraq in particular. For this work he returned to the technique of figurative woodcarving with imagery based on iconic news photographs selected from the public domain. The process of carving is an important aspect of his practice and he injects energy into the works through the expressive mark making.

Outputs include a solo exhibition at the Shetland Museum and Archives featuring several figurative wood carvings including the life-size work ‘Breaking Point’. In June 2013 this carving was selected by the internationally renowned sculptor David Mach for the first prize at the Aberdeen Artist Society. In July the same work was selected by an international jury of artists and curators for the 7th Figurative Painting and Sculpture prize at the Museu Europeu d’Art Modern in Barcelona.

Teaching has included courses on general sculpture at graduate and under graduate level as well as courses on life modelling and Contemporary Art Practice.

Research interests

  • Sculpture and installation art
  • Sustainable and Ecological Art
  • Woodcarving, vintage hand tools and processes
  • Figurative sculpture
  • Arboriculture and woodland management through an artist lens


As well as teaching on the Fine Art - BA (Hons) programme, Kevin teaches on the Sculpture - BA (Hons) programme.

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