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A photo of Daisy Whittle's book laid flat on a green background, it features a variety of pencil illustrated characters wearing hats, scarves and accessories.
Four artists have been selected from the ECA 2023 Graduate Show as the winners of the annual Bookmarks Prize, for their high quality and innovative use of the book form. 

The Bookmarks Prize is open to all Art and Design students at Edinburgh College of Art and is judged by the team behind BOOKMARKS, our annual showcase of artists’ books, zines and comics.

The prize gives the graduates the opportunity to showcase their work at BOOKMARKS 2024, to be held at ECA in March 2024.  

Congratulations to the four winners: 

  • Charlene Scott, BA (Hons) Intermedia 
  • Erica Earle-Robertson, BA (Hons) Jewellery and Silversmithing 
  • Innes Clark, BA (Hons) Illustration 
  • Daisy Whittle, BA (Hons) Illustration 

BOOKMARKS encourages prize winners to use the book form in its widest sense and show work on a stand, as an exhibition and as a networking and selling opportunity. It will be a chance to show work from their Graduate Show again, along with new work created during the year. 

After BOOKMARKS 2024, a selection of work from all winners will be made and displayed in ECA's Library. 

Innovative collectives also selected 

This year the panel also decided to commend several collectives who have shown innovative use of the book form across the year: 

  • Mary Buchanan and Zoë Brown, BA (Hons) Illustration 
  • Gendersh*t: Ruby Tait, Chloe Anderson, Kate Granholm and Kamal Malhotra, BA (Hons) Illustration 
  • Chalk Circle: Ann Pierce and Ezra Berrnico, BA (Hons) Sculpture, and Ella Martin, BA (Hons) Painting 

The three collectives will also be invited to present work at BOOKMARKS 2024. 

More about BOOKMARKS 

The hugely successful BOOKMARKS showcases artists' books, zines, comics and a whole range of creative book works. Participants include staff, students and alumni from ECA plus others from Edinburgh College, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, and further afield.

It’s an opportunity to buy work, meet the artists, meet fellow book art enthusiasts in ECA's Sculpture Court.

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