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Illustration of a person with blonde hair and glasses by Ola Jackiewicz
Students from Edinburgh College of Art’s BA (Hons) and MA (Hons) Illustration programmes have collaborated with charity Children in Scotland, attending its annual conference to create live graphic recordings for delegates, and creating illustrations for the next issue of its biannual publication, Insight. 

Ola Jackiewicz, Ruby Tait, Rachel Collins and Catie Gordon attended the Children in Scotland conference across two days in Edinburgh, listening to keynotes, attending workshops and recording the discussions through live illustrations.  

The illustrations stimulated discussion among delegates and offered a creative way of recording and reflecting on the outcomes of the conference. 

Year 4 ECA Illustration students also worked with the charity to create illustrations for the pages of its biannual publication, Insight, accompanying news, features, and commentary and the front cover.  

Illustrations by Mary Buchanan, Ruby Tait, Zoe Brown, Catie Gordon and Shihui Shen were selected to appear in this issue. 

Overseeing the collaboration at ECA, BA (Hons) Illustration Programme Director Harvey Dingwall commented on the project: “The collaboration gave the students the opportunity to work on a live brief, allowing them to create work that would enhance their professional practice and experience the editorial process in a professional setting.” 

Illustration of a teddy bear, surrounded by lines giving texture. Text reads 'safety net'. Work by Ola Jackiewicz

This is the second collaboration between ECA and Children in Scotland, with illustration students creating illustrations for the previous two issues of Insight.  

Along with the live illustration work, Children in Scotland also exhibited the work from the first three issues of Insight from 40 ECA illustration students at its conference at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, showcasing published and unpublished student work to all attendees. 

Chris Small, Children in Scotland’s Communications Manager, who organised the partnership, said: 

“Graphic recording by Ola, Rachel, Ruby and Catie meant conference delegates were provided with vibrant and engaging visuals across the two days of the event, helping them to interpret the themes under discussion and spurring further conversation. 

“The students produced fantastic work which fulfilled our ambition that the conference could be a collective experience for people to reconnect and share learning. 

“We’re grateful to Ola, Rachel, Ruby and Catie for attending and hope that it was a valuable professional opportunity for them, too.” 

It is hoped the collaboration between ECA and the charity can continue after the success of these projects. 

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